The Level Up Mastermind is the perfect blend of masterminding + coaching to help Service Based Business Owners grow + scale their business without burnout.
Connect + mastermind with other business owners through coaching, training + networking.
When it comes to playing a BIGGER GAME + creating TRUE LASTING IMPACT, nothing beats the power of

Those who Show Up - Blow up! Claim your goals + take the action. Celebrate your wins + your losses. Because the action is where it's at!

Take those creative out-of-the-box ideas, sift through them with other brilliant minds, + tackle them with a vengeance.

Mindset, set backs, + bad habits. Get out of the weeds. Then watch you uplevel your business + life in 90 days.
What's Included in Your Membership?
✨ One 90-minute mastermind session per month
✨Short Business Training by Melissa or Guest Expert
✨One 30-minute private coaching call per month
✨Grow Your Mind, Your Business + Your Network
To the Future Business Owner
Who's on the cusp of something huge...
Ready to step up + tackle crazy ass goals
Who's dedicated + disciplined to seeing it through to the end...
And wants to give back more to this world
When people ask how'd I grow my business, I laugh + tell them
"I took the scenic route."
My business was launched without me even knowing it in 2009.
With 3 kiddos under five, I started teaching dance lessons out of my 800 square foot basement. While they napped I did the “office work” + I taught while the kiddos played in the pack + play.
Fast forward a few years, + my side hustle had grown into well over a hundred students coming into my home to learn the art of dance. I had a great thing going.
Purpose + Passion + Paychecks.
Then... life happened.
In 2015, life happened and I became a single mama. I have to figure out real quickly how I would make my little side hustle provide for a family of six. Gulp.
There were growing pains, but over the next 5 years I expanded my business into a custom-built second location + grew into a team of 14. Before I knew it, other small business owners began asking “how are you doing it all?”
The truth is...I wasn't.
I was doing way too much (as in… taking my laptop into the bedroom + working after the kids went to bed + then waking up at 4:30am to work again).
But over time, I learned how to delegate, leverage, + grow...without giving up every last second of my life. I let go of doing all the things + created a life that I wake up excited about.
Every. Single. Day.
Today, I still own two studio locations, host The Brick and Mortar Visibility Podcast, am growing a thriving online business + a mama to my five awesome kiddos.
But my passion is to help other brick + mortar studio owners navigate through the hurdles of scaling their business + raising a family.
My goal is that you wake up to your EPIC life EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
I’ve been where you are + I'm here to tell you.
There IS a better way.