Bring YOUR Expertise Online.
Coach with Melissa, where YOU can confidently create your own online presence in your zone of genius ~
all the while positively affecting your brick and mortar business ~ to grow your influence, your legacy & your profits.
Do You want to bring YOUR Expertise to the online world...
You know. Like a course or a curriculum. Or maybe even a membership or an online mastermind?
Does the idea of making money "in your sleep!" sound amazing? But maybe you're triple guessing yourself, because nothing is really that amazing. Is it?
Or maybe you have seen others succeed in their niche of business, but but you're completely overwhelmed with all the technology, marketing, and logistics. And let's face it, your time is limited. So where do you even start? Let alone how?
Don't worry. I get it.
Hey there, I’m Melissa.
A dance educator for over 20 years and a studio owner for 10. After I maxed out my time and space with my brick and mortar studio, I decided to delve into the online world. After all, I saw other industries doing it, why couldn't it be done in the dance world?
So after investing, learning, stretching, and growing, I successfully launched my brick and mortar studio to the online world through my online membership & then later added my online courses.
Growing my revenue by over 20% each year and then doubling my membership in January 2019!
And I'm on track to grow my business 75% in 2019!
This is real. This is legit. And this is possible for You!
If you've ever even had the slightest inclination of starting your own online endeavor, click my top three tips to grow your business. These tips can be used for your own brick and mortar business as well as setting you up for success with your future online business.
And the best part? It's FREE to get started.
So, click that button and let's get to know each other!
And if you want to get in on the latest right now, head over to my FREE private Facebook Group, Coaching with Melissa to get the latest on how you can grow your influence, legacy and profits! It's filled with tips and practical strategies that you can use right now ~ to grow both in your brick and mortar or online biz.
Here's a video from the group! Check it out, and if you like the vibe, come on over to the group!
Could not find video with ID 3336363. Maybe it was deleted?
Do you have a specific question right now?
Awesome. Email me right now, and I'll personally answer your question in my next facebook live office hour, Fridays at 10am.
Want help getting You through the weeds of Entrepreneurship?
Someone to help answer your questions, claim clarity, receive accountability, focus your mindset, and give you the tools, strategy and systems to grow your business?
Let's do it!
Book your 90 minute strategy session with me and you'll leave with clarity, real tips and tools to create the action & momentum you need for your business - topped off with an abundant mindset to take on the world.