New Clients. Every. Single. Month.
This week was April 1st. No Fooling.
We've officially launched Q2.
Are you starting to see a little decline in energy & numbers?
That my friend is no laughing matter. Not if you're going to hit those January goals you set out to do! (need help NOW? Skip reading and scroll down to the bottom and pick up all the Freebies!)
If you're a competition studio, you are in the thick of weekend events and the novelty of it all may have worn off a bit. Dancers are tired, skipping technique classes to "rest" and rallying the troupes might be a little more challenging.
If you are a more of a recreational studio, like me, this time of year can get challenging as the weather starts to warm up, and other activities start happening. You may start to see a few people drop off. That younger student who wants to try another activity because "her best friend is taking soccer" or the adult student who started marathon training or is tempted by "porch parties" when the warmer temps arrive. (Don't get me wrong... I love a good porch party.)
Has anyone been there? Are you there right now?
It's not quite a fun place.
Especially since summer is just around the corner. Eek! The thought of sipping margaritas in your flip flops may not be as carefree as you'd like it to be if your numbers keep "dipping a bit."
I remember looking at my numbers in January a few years ago and thinking, this month is probably highest revenue I'll hit this year. Why? Because after January, students slowly started to "drip off."
YUCK! A brand new year, and January is as good as it gets? No!
But then I realized I was being reactive to my problem.
I wasn't being "creative" in growing or improving my numbers each month. How can I grow if new classes aren't being offered? My season was the typical studio with classes that took place from September - May.
How could I be innovative? How could step away from the traditional dance studio model, yet still provide quality education?
Ding Ding Ding.
Fast forward a few years, and now my class schedule looks a little different then they used to. But it's not just adding numbers in all the right places. It also has afforded me less teaching hours and even more "Fun!"
Who knew?
Would you love to have more numbers in April, or June, or July then you had in January?
Would you love to have a cushion of cash to sit on for the leaner summer months?
If so, I'd love to share my two strategies for growing Every. Single. Month.
#1. Shorter sessions!
In general, people are not fans of long term commitments. Especially for younger students, and even more especially if they don't have aspirations to be a prima ballerina. I realized that if I could offer shorter sessions, I could fill the classes easier and charge a premium! Which equates to less time teaching, more families coming through my doors (the ripple effect) and more profits.
Could you implement this strategy in your studio? Could you do more of it? As you're planning your next season, see if there are pockets of time that could be delegated to the shorter sessions, and maybe rotate class options. Maybe a toddler class, a parent and child class, a boys hip hop class, etc.
#2. Music or Theme!
I use this strategy in all my classes, but Especially my adult classes. It's funny to me how as adults, we still like the same strategies that work for kiddos. I love teaching my adults and have quite a few classes. How do I fill them and consistently? Bringing in NEW students every, single month?
I share the song title that we're going to be dancing to!
huh? Really?
Stay with me. The concept isn't challenging, I know, it's the preparation. Prepping classes sometimes is done 30 minutes prior to teaching it. (so I've heard.) So picking out a song to feature, and then communicating and marketing it to your tribe takes some intentional planning. But it's well worth the effort.
This is how I model my BoogieFit classes and I believe why they are so successful!
At the end of of the month, I share with my tribe what we're going to be dancing to the following month. It gets my current students excited about the upcoming month and gives new people who may have been on the fence, the nudge they need to try out class.
And as you know. Once they experience class, they usually love it and come back again.
This same strategy is done in my ballet and tap classes. Rather then changing it up monthly, we change the music or theme every two months or every new session. (See strategy #1 for notes on session. )
I know.
Sometimes putting a theme out there can be scary. Maybe people won't like it, or the music doesn't jive with someone. Here's what I say to that.
A. If you're trying to serve everyone, you're serving no one.
B. If Mama's havin' fun, Everyone's havin' fun.
So make sure your having a blast doing, and apply these strategies into your next season, or better yet this spring & summer! Get your numbers always heading in the right direction.
If you'd like see what the BoogieFit curriculum could do for your studio, grab my free download. A month of curriculum with everything you need to set yourself up for success to bring in NEW clients EVERY. Single. Month.
If you need more encouragement or want to take the next step in making sure you're growing, here are my 3 tips for growth!
Ready to expand in other ways? Here's a recent blog I did about the money you already have in your studio!
I hope these resources help fuel your mind set, energy and dance studio growth. My hope is that you can confidently stroll into the summer months with that sassy maxi dress and flip flops with a margarita in hand, carefree & confident about your business numbers!
Now Go Crush Your Day!
PS. Want to bring in New Clients to your studio Every. Single. Month? Grab a Free Copy of BoogieFit!
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