Coffee or Tea? Morning Routines.
Good Morning.
Well, it is when I write this.
It's actually 5:29am.
If you would of told me twenty years ago that I would be up creating a blog post at the 5 am hour, I would of looked at you like you were crazy. Actually, even five years ago I would of questioned you.
But it's funny how we change and grow.
Years ago I didn't think I'd ever like coffee, or want kids or tolerate beer. Now I can't live without my morning coffee, have five kids and am a beer snob.
And yet here we are.
So Good Morning.
I recently was interviewed with Alicia Jonas for her upcoming podcast "Dance Studio Amplified." One of the great questions Alicia asked was about my morning routine.
Love this question, because I love hearing about other peoples routine. (hint, what's yours?) When I see highly productive people, I want to know what they are doing. What is your "golden ticket" to starting your day with a bang?
So to start the conversation, I'm going to share mine. It's not very sexy... but maybe it gives you a tip or an idea.
4:45am - Alarm goes off.
- Don't worry, I wish I could Mel Robbins it and "5,4,3,2,1 get out of bed," but I press snooze at least once.
5:15am - I'm getting ready for my Run or walk.
- As I take my first couple sips of coffee, I open my Daily Scripture. I love Joyce Meyer because she's short and to the point. It just puts my mind in the right place for me.
- If my running buddy can join me we run, talk business, parenting fun and solve other world problems. We also hold each other accountable. We started doing this almost four years ago. It's no coincidence that both of our businesses began to see huge growth during this time.
- If I'm walking, I grab my air pods and coffee and set out for a 4 mile walk. I listen to a podcast or two on business, mindset, or leadership. I'm a huge podcast listener. So if you are too Grab my growing list of podcasts here!
6-7am-ish, I'm back at my office.
- Correct, No shower... yet. But usually I had some "Brilliant" ideas on my walk or run and I need to write them down. So I write out my list to do at that time because my mind is going.
- Then take a sheet of paper and write out an affirmation. It might be new every day, but it's usually similar and I write it over an over for a sheet of paper. My mind naturally kind of zones out into meditation world as I write and it just calms me down.
- After the affirmations, I grab my devotional. Again, it's short, but to the point. I'm loving Daily Guideposts.
- If it's not 7am, I check bank statements and cross reference with Quickbooks
- If it's still not 7am, I'll open email. (eek. I know...trying to avoid this until 2p)
Shower up and get ready to rock the day. I am a big believer of dressing for success. Even though I literally wear yoga pants every day, I still get ready. That means hair done, clean outfit and lip gloss ON.
Kid time. My older ones are self sufficient and holler out goodbyes as they leave for the bus. With my bottom three, we do the morning routine. Breakfast is what they don't eat. I'm not much of a breakfast eater, so a crust of bread or unfinished scrambled eggs will hold me over until lunch.
9am - My 9am hour is always spent doing work that will move my business forward.
- Creating Content: teacher prep, choreography, or recording video
- Reaching out to potential clients or interviews,
- Learning a new software or curriculum,
- Checking off that list of my top 3 items.
By 12 noon I'm usually starving and have done all my "work" for the day.
What about Wednesdays you may ask? I just put my walk/run in the afternoon on Wednesdays.
Does it work perfectly every day?
But it's my morning goal every day.
And most days it happens.
I would love to hear your morning routine. Comment with your 1 thing that makes your morning a true success. And you can't say, "getting out of bed." Although, there are some days...
PS. If you haven't yet, grab my growing list of podcasts here!
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