Those 3 little words...

And it's not,  "I love you..." Although, I do. I so appreciate you taking the 2 min. it take to read this. Really.  You have no idea. 

These are 3 little words that can be incorporated in your studio or business... well actually now that I think about it, ALL of your life.  No matter what business you own, or if you manage people, or if you are out and about... these words can shift peoples mindset, making our spheres of influence even more positive! 

I received the these first two stellar examples from a studio coach that I admire, Shannon Wilson with The Studio Coach.  Studio Owners, if you are NOT on her list, consider joining Shannon to receive nuggets of wisdom and her other amazing offerings for studio owners.  

#1.  "It's My pleasure." - I don't know about you, but did your heart just go pitter pat when you read that.  Yes?  (You're so my people.)  When these 3 little words are said to someone, they know that you care about them, are interested in their needs and you can't help smile a little.  So much more genuine then "No problem!", "You're Welcome" or  "Of course!"   Although, those are all great... but, these 3 little words just seem to go a little further. Don't you think?    

I'm going to try it with my kiddos this summer...  It's August 2nd y'all and they don't go back to school until September 10th! 

#2. "You're In Luck!" - Can we just say Positivity at it's best? Showing your audience that you can do everything you can to make their needs at that moment, your priority. 

"Do you have this shirt in a Medium?" - "Yes, you're in luck!"                                                                                        "Is that class time available?" - "why, you're in luck!" 
"Mom, can I use the car?" - "You're in luck!"  

YES!  And then the sale is made, or the appointment booked, or the chores done without whining. 

#3. "How May I Help You?"  - This one is so old school, but class never goes out of style.  When someone, anyone, asks me that question, I melt.  Maybe it's because my love language is "acts of service."  (if you don't know what I'm talking about you MUST read this book.  Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages" ) But having someone genuinely interested in how they MAY possible fill my need, is music to my ears.  Plus, it's proper English.  Yes, I'm kinda a geek. 

Next week, Top 3 word Phrases Dance Teachers use!   I bet you can't guess #1!  

Do you have some phrases that you use in your business or every day life that seem to "get the job done?" Please comment!  It takes a village y'all.  

With Grit and Admiration, 
Melissa - Creator of BoogieFit Curriculum 






PS. Grab The Latest Curriculum HERE!


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