💥Choose Your Own Epic Success💥

Can I tell you a secret?
I don't like to talk about my kids.
Because I'm not that good at being a mom. Most days I feel like I suck at it. There are too many opinions, personalities and emotional roller coasters to navigate and that's just me.
So when I meet people, I usually like to just talk biz. Because it's safe. I usually have a clue and most days I feel like I'm doing pretty darn good at it.
So when I met Melissa Corkum, a parent coach, I selfishly wanted... let me rephrase, NEEDED to have her on the podcast.
Don't get me wrong, my kids are good kids and I love them... most days. And honestly, they're doing their job. My 17 year old is REALLY good at her job. (insert eye roll 🙄) And then, so is my 7 year old. (insert kisses and hugs 😉)
It might be the name, but this Melissa also has a bunch of kiddos. With her tribe of 6 kiddos through birth and adoption, Melissa Corkum shares all the nitty gritty of her journey of adoption and the parenting challenges that it brings.
And if you like FREE HELP, Melissa has a ton of great resources if you struggle with too much yelling and not enough laughing. And if you have a child with ADHD or ADD, you're in luck with webinar trainings designed just for you!
Y'all, this episode is truly a gift. I don't want to miss it.
When you're done, take a pic, and tag @inthenittygritty and our guest @corkboardonline
Or better yet, leave an honest rating and review. It tells others how much you loved it AND I'd love to shout you out!
All about Melissa Corkum!
Website - https://www.thecorkboardonline.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/corkboardonline
FG Group - https://www.thecorkboardonline.com/facebook <--YOU SHOULD JOIN US!!
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/corkboardblog/
And before I sign off, I want to let you know!
Level UP! is open! AND I have a special offer on the table just for you! Take $200 OFF your enrollment. Offer goes until Friday, October 2nd.
CLICK HERE to apply.
PS. All the links.
✅ Join my FREE Coaching Group where I come in weekly to share tips, tools, motivation and inspiration that has helped me in my business to help you in yours. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Inthenittygrittycoachingwithmelissa
✅ As a single mama of five kiddos, I could have all the excuses in the book. But I've decided to do a few actions consistently in businesses, life & relationships. I've now been called the "Consistency Queen" by my favorite colleagues. And let's be real, I'm happy to wear the crown. 👑 In this worksheet I share with you my 5 tools that I use every day that save my life and make me a badass at making the stuff matter get done. Grab them here:https://www.msmelissarose.com/page/158235-my-must-have-tools-for-biz-life-relationships
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