What's Your 1 Word?
So here we are! The last weeks of 2018!
(And it's totally ok if you are thinking FINALLY.)
The week before Winter break is always so intense. I recently came upon this cute picture and am using this week in my social media posts. I just had to share!
I hope you can laugh, only because it's true right? BUT, hopefully the added "to do items" bring a smile on your face, because for the most part... they are "fun." I know I'm a bit biased because being a mama does add a little magic into the Holiday season. But either way, we all can take a deep breath... we're almost there.
So I'll keep this blog a little shorter, cuz we got things to do.
Last week we chatted about ending your 2018 Strong, and Starting 2019 Stronger.
(If you missed the blog, catch up here so we're all on the same page.)
I gave you 9 steps that will help you navigate 2019 with more clarity and purpose in all areas of your life. The free printable PDF that I included gave you full on permission to curl up with your favorite beverage and write out all your dreams and aspirations, in all the areas of your life, for 2019.
It's such a fun & great exercise to do because it will bring such excitement into your life. Specifically ~
Fire in your belly Goals that will catapult your 2019 into you sayin' this time next year~
"2019 was the Best Year Yet."
So, if you haven't, please refer back to last weeks blog here, and take the few minutes to read and print out the pdf.
This weeks blog highlights the final step. #10 And it's FUN! (Like I've mentioned before, I love this stuff.)
A few years ago, I learned that some of my fellow entrepreneurs had a word of the year.
Yup. A word that encompassed what they are dreaming, doing, and digging deep about. This word can be an adjective or a verb that keeps you focused or intentional about your actions throughout the year.
I loved it!
Last week I finished Brené Brown's new book, "Dare to Lead."
This book is so good, I'm adding it to my growing list of "Must Reads." Brené has so MANY great nuggets in this book, (obs, because she's brilliant) but the one I want to talk about here is values. She says we have ultimately two values that we abide by in life, or are the compass for us to help us navigate this winding journey of life. They may change during the different seasons of life, but ultimately they keep us anchored, grounded, and rooted in who we are and how we lead.
Ah HA!
So similar to the One Word of the Year.
A compass, anchor, or light that we can "regroup" if you will when things get a little perplexing in life.
So a few of years ago, I adopted this idea and it really helped me stay focused and get through my year with as much grace as possible. And that's why I'm sharing it with y'all now.
In 2016 my word was BRAVE (I was going through a divorce)
In 2017 my word was RESILIENT (The aftermath of divorce. The $&^% got very real.)
In 2018 my word was GRIT (Business and Family... I can do this)
In 2019 my word is... ???
I know. I'm not one for cliff hangers, but I'm still figuring it out.
2018 was a great year for me. Full of new opportunities. So I this year I need to have a word that gets me excited about "staying still" without staying still. Like, simmer, or braise, or marinate... but then I get hungry and think about pot roast.
(I welcome your comments here, please and thank you)
So... what is YOUR word going to be?
This is the fun part! The possibilities are endless, but when you know your word, it will be and feel completely right for you.
Need a little help?
(I thought you'd never ask)
I've created a list of words to spark your creativity. You can put any prefix or suffix onto them. But as you're out and about with friends and family this time of year, perhaps it can stir up a meaningful conversation where you all can find your own perfect word!
Bonus! Then you can hold each other accountable! Genius!
So here we are, the last blog post for 2018! Our next time together will be January 2nd, 2019!
Wishing you the most lovely Holiday filled with NEW and Happy Memories!
Steadfast; Grounded; exuberant; Me. These were words not on the suggestion list. Lol
Love it! Did you have these on your own? or did the list pique your creativity? Do you change your word yearly? or do they stay the same?
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