Ep. 222: Boost Your Website's SEO for Multiple Locations: Top Tips Revealed!

Podcast Episodes (MB) (9)
Transform your brick-and-mortar business into a community icon with real insights and actionable strategies. From SEO mastery to social media leverage, become 'The Only Option in Town!'

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Ep. 221: Be Found "Near Me" - Managing Google Business Profiles for Multiple Locations

Podcast Episodes (MB) (8)
Transform your brick-and-mortar business into a community icon with real insights and actionable strategies. From SEO mastery to social media leverage, become 'The Only Option in Town!'

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Ep. 220: Beyond SEO: Navigating Real-Life Business Challenges with Resilience and Passion

Transform your brick-and-mortar business into a community icon with real insights and actionable strategies. From SEO mastery to social media leverage, become 'The Only Option in Town!'

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199:Crush 2023: Navigating Separation Season for Your Best Business Year Yet!

Podcast Episodes (MB) (9)

Hey there, it's a significant week for me—Ms. Melissa Rose—because it's my birthday week! Birthdays always make me pause and reflect. I have this tradition of writing a birthday note to myself every year and stapling it to the one from the previous year. The stack has grown, and going through them, I can track the evolution of my goals from conception to manifestation through hard work, intentional planning, and even some unexpected victories.

I used to not be a fan of having a …

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198: Gratitude and Resiliency: Affirmations that Produce Results!

Podcast Episodes (MB) (8)

🎙️ Today's podcast is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, but in the best way possible. As we revel in a weekend of Thanksgiving, I wanted to dive into a recording that goes beyond the nuts and bolts of business and delves into the softer side of the entrepreneurial journey.

Running a brick and mortar business is no stroll in the park for the faint of heart or mind. In this episode, I'm opening up and sharing my top 10 affirmations—the mantras that keep me grounded and fueled…

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193: Navigating Life's Uncertainties: A Compassionate Approach to Future Planning with Mary Beth Simón

In today's podcast, we're delving into the essential but often overlooked topics of planning for the "what if" and "when." These are conversations that tug at the heartstrings but are undeniably crucial. Let's get real—building your Brick and Mortar business as the community's top choice is a monumental achievement. But what's the game plan for those unpredictable #life moments?

Enter the wonderful Mary Beth Shimon. We're opening up about facing reality, discussing the nitty-gri…

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183: Embracing Transitions: From New Beginnings to Unforeseen Turns


'Tis the season of fresh starts and grand transitions. 🌱✨ New school year, new season, new team members – the air's buzzing with newfound energy.

Amidst all this novelty, it's easy to catch the enthusiasm bug! But let's be real – it's also prime time for that overwhelming "deer in headlights" feeling. After all, the fourth quarter is inching closer by the day. For many of us brick and mortar businesses, it's a season of explosive growth, setting the stage for smashing goals.


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179: Four C's To Take You from Stuck to Thriving with Audra Allen-Queen

Welcome to our conversation with Dancer and Business Coach Audra Allen-Queen.  

Audra Allen-Queen, Mindset Expert & Business coach, helps dance leaders, CEO’s and entrepreneurs create a sustainable and aligned business, so they can finally live the life they dreamed of when starting their business, without sacrificing themselves or doing what they love, using the Dance CEO Method. Audra is founder & CEO of The Dance CEO Coach business, which houses the Business Academy for Dancers…

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#146: Ten effective ideas to WOW your clients, team & community



As we head into my favorite holiday I want to say thank you to all of you who have listened, encouraged, left reviews and shared this podcast. Brick and Mortar Visibility has been around 146 episodes.

Today I wanted to talk about simple yet effective ways we can show appreciation to our clients, our team, and our tribe.

So much of running a successful studio business is relationships, connection and authenticity. So today I wanted to share with you 10 ways that I do this in…

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#134: From Local to Global - Achieving Top Dollar Status with Celeste Vee


Today is a guest podcast with my steller powerhouse client Celeste!

I’ve had the privilege to work with Celeste Vee for the past 18 months and in that time we have transformed her business from best kept secret to a global, high ticketed, super niche offer!

Here are just a few of the topics we cover:
1. How and why she decided she needed business coaching
2. How her SEO not only rocked her business but also her mindset
3. How to leverage collaborations for ultimate visibilit…

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