You're going to Love this Math...
Happy NEW Year!
Yes! 2019? Do you remember when this date seemed like it was forever away? Yes... I'm dating myself a bit. But here we are.
It's the New Year and I'm sure yoy've got a list of Goals or Desires for 2019. I know I do.
Today is Wednesday, January 9th. And this is when those New Years Goals may start to fall to the side or get all up in your face difficult.
But I must share what I woke up to this morning. On my daily calendar from one of my favorite people, Jen Sincero:
"Desire literally means de sire, "of the father," and whether or not you believe in God, your desires were bestowed upon you when you became your earthly self, along with other distinctive you-type things like your face and your personality and your affinity for needlecrafts. They are unique to you, they define the essence of who you are, and they act as the road map for your life. Your desires were given to you by the Universal Intelligence that created everything in existence with the express purpose of being carried out by you during your lifetime."
WOW... I'm not sure about you... but I just stared at that this morning and felt a huge calm of breath wash over me. And an a huge amount of... I don't want to let Him down!
YES! Those crazy, amazing goals! Those DESIRES and aspirations are from a higher power. AND they are all yours. Totally meant for you!
And then the fear sets in.
Especially now that's we're past January 2nd. That self doubt, and the "oh man, this is hard," and "my bed is so warm, just 10 more minutes."
Apparently there are a lot of us.
It appears that this years theme is "mind set." It's bombarding my inbox. Maybe it's a sign. Maybe it's coincidence. Maybe it's what sells. You know, all those warm fuzzies of "you can do this!", "you're worth it," "you are valued," "the right people love you," who doesn't love that stuff.
And I'm not making fun. Like I said, it's filling my inbox. I subscribe to it and am a total fan. I've had my share of mind set resets these past couple years, and they so work. And I will also tell you that if you haven't... you totally must drink this yummy, warm fuzzy kinda kool-aid because it can totally change your life.
In fact, here are some amazing people who preach it way better then I can. Take notes and follow them. If you have your favorite person that you follow, please comment below! Like I said, I love this stuff.
Mel Robbins - She's actually doing a 35 day mindset - reset right now. Dive in, and join the over 200k of us who are on the path to changing the self talk that goes on in our heads.
Jen Sincero (you know my other hero.) She tells it like it is as well, and if you haven't read her books ~ don't. LISTEN to them. Then you'll get ALL her little nuances, wisdom and humor that she shares. Seriously, you'll be laughing out laud and shaking your fist in the air yelling, "HELL YES!"
Alicia Jonas, a dance studio coach colleague of mine, is also leading a great coaching workshop this week all about mind set and over coming your limiting beliefs.
Like I said, it's popular.
But it's so important.
Turning that negative crap between your ears into a positive spin can be life changing. And it's never really ever done is it? Once we combat one limiting belief, there's another one ready to dig it's nasty claws in. It's a life long exercise.
But if you know me, you know that I'm kinda of a tough love gal.
You can re-work all that limiting belief stuff in your head, but ultimately you have to
That's it.
No if's, and's, but's, someday's, maybe's, I'm tired's, the kids are sick, my teacher didn't show, my class didn't go, my numbers are lower then ever, I'm a one woman shop, I can't get a break, they didn't pay again, and what the heck is up with the electric bill!?
You SHOW UP and DECIDE to succeed.
And once you Decide, the next step, although it is huge, can somehow it seem a touch easier, or at least a little less anxiety filled. You get to work. You go and you
You get up 30 minutes earlier.
You create that social media plan.
You book that conference.
You create that blog post.
You save a bit more moola.
Every day.
Every week.
Every month.
So when January 9th, 2020 comes next year, you can totally say that you
your 2018.
SO... ready to crush it?
Me too.
Let's do this!
#WithGritand Admiration
Well said Melissa!!! Love this!!
awww... Thank You Maggie! :)
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