#96: 10 WOW! Ways to Show Appreciation & Gratitude to Your Clients, Team & Tribe
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Actually be present for your kids events, or gosh forbid take the afternoon off and get a massage?ย
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A Little bit about Melissa Roseย ย
ย In 2009, three weeks postpartum, Melissa started her business in her basement while her babies were in the pack and play.ย With her passion, resilience and nose down, she created a business that has become "The Highlight of you Week" for her tribe, her team and her community.ย
Now a visibility coach for brick and mortar businesses, Melissa guides other boss babes to a flourishing brick and mortar that provides for their own tribe - creating a legacy in their community.ย ย
Melissa is a super mama of five kiddos, enjoys long hikes or playing in her garden.ย At the end of the day you can find her snuggling up with a self development book with an ice cold beer.ย ย
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. Are you able to enjoy the break? Are you taking some time or are you secretly thinking? Okay, it's a little bit slower. I am going to sneak in some hours of work or maybe you have a business where it's actually going to be really, really busy and you have a week here where you're holding your breath a bit and going, I don't know how I'm going to get through it. And then, oh yeah, 2022 is on the horizon and you want to level up your business and you're thinking, how can I, I am so maxed out already. If that's you, I want you to come to my workshop, which is December 16th at 2:00 PM. Get your time back. As a business owner, you have survived the start up phase, but now you are wanting your time back and you just don't even know where to start. Come take this workshop and I'm going to help guide you so that you can get your day, your week, your month to where you'd like it. And where you are super productive. I love this workshop and I love the results people are getting. So it is absolutely free. Come on over. Grab your seat, MsMelissarose.com/timeback. And you will be so thankful you did now. Let's get real.
Hey there everybody. Welcome back to another episode of brick and mortar visibility. Happy, happy Thanksgiving. I hope you are able to listen to this in real time, because then it just makes all the difference, I think. But if you are not, so be it. Hello. Welcome to the podcast. If you're a brand new, a special welcome to you, I come in every week to share with you tips, tools, and strategies that I learned in my brick and mortar business to help you in yours . I am super excited about today's episode, because they are 10 practical, but yet wow. Ways that you can show thankfulness, gratitude, appreciation to your clients, to your team or to your tribe. So you can take any of these tips and apply them in any way that seems right for you as business owners, we know that so much of business is relationships authentic connections with people. And the more that we're able to do this, the more our business grows. But let me preface this episode. When I am sharing with these tips with you, I genuinely need, you want you to do them from a place of genuine outreach, true, authentic gratitude. We are not doing these in order to get something we're genuinely giving out, because we are thankful, we appreciate, and we want to share that with our people. So that is how I'm going to set this episode up because we could be like, well, I did this, so now why am I not getting that? And that's not how this is going to roll.
So I want everything to be freely given out. And when your hands are open, you are then able to receive and it will come back to you. So please know that. All right. I'm super excited about this because these are things that I do in my business that people have commented that they have been wowed by that they have been like, holy cow and they're not hard to do, but we need to take time to do them. And episode 94 with Elaine Fluker, the episode was support is sexy. So she is all about getting help and support in your business. And a lot of the times. Set ourselves or allow ourselves the time to even ask for it. So that's what plays into here too. Sometimes we have the best intentions, like, oh yeah, I should do that, but we don't make the time for it. So as we're going through this, you're going to hear things and you're like, oh my gosh, I've heard that before. Why don't I do that? Why haven't I done that? And it's because we don't make the time to do it. So, if you can, as you're listening, think about your week, think about your life and go, when could I do that? Maybe monthly or quarterly even, and block out the time to do some of these things for people in your circle. I think you'll see the benefits and that is how I'm able to do it is because I do block it out in my calendar. These are days or times that I do these specific actions or I have my team help me with these actions. So just know that as I'm going through this list here, that in order to do any of it, you really need to be intentional about taking the time or having it done for you. All right, here we go. These are in no special order.
Okay. I just went down the list here, but the first one is video. I love video because it is a great way to connect with somebody authentically. They see your face, they see your body language, they see your eyes, and that is a great way to connect with people. So what do I mean by video? What I do a lot are little loom videos, loom.com. And you can do this free. So with my clients I will do a little loom video to welcome them to our studio. And I know this isn't scalable, so I can't automate it. I can't pass it off to anybody else. This is me doing it to our new clients, because it is very important to me that that first impression is met well. So that is a wow factor for my clients. I also do this with my staff where I'll share a loom video there or a new coaching client. So this is a way to do video. You can also do it with your social media and other ways, but this is how I do it. So that's where I wanted to share it. So you can leave up to a five minute video free.
And share that with somebody, but often mine are, like just a minute, like one minute of saying, hello, welcome. And, showing appreciation that they're coming into the tribe.
All right. Number nine . Voice memos. I'm a huge fan of voice memos. I leave them on Instagram. I leave them on Facebook messenger, on Voxer of course, with my team, but voice memos are super fun because the anticipation is there. Like they can't not listen to it. They see the triangle, they know they have to listen to it and I'm like, Ooh, what did Melissa say? So voice memos, can you reach out to a client? And if you saw something, share it with them or tell your team what you saw great in their work that day.
I love voice memos because they're super quick for me, easy for me to do, but they can really be impactful. And especially with my team, when I see something going on really well, I always right away leave him a voice memo of what I saw that was going really well so that they hear it from me. But you could do this with clients future past, or even somebody that has helped you out.
Number eight is an oldie, but a goodie. And you guys, these are so special right now because nobody does them. And in order for you to stick out, to be top of mind, to be more visible, I want you to think about like, gosh, nobody does this, but when I get it, it's like, whoa. And that is literally a handwritten card. We do this in our studio with our clients. We take a certain number of kiddos each session, and we write a hand written card to them. And it's not just thank you for being here. It is literally their name. Which is huge. You guys people's name is gold. Call them by name and say something very specific about what you would like about them in their class or in working together and appreciating them that they're there. And then we mail it in the mail snail mail, and how many people come back and are so appreciative, especially the parents obviously. They are thrilled that we did that. And that kiddo usually keeps that, note in the room hung up or in a special safe space, because it meant a lot to them. So that's what our clients and our clients a lot of them are kiddos, but can you do that with somebody you work with, maybe it's somebody on your team, maybe it's your bookkeeper. How often do we say thank you to our bookkeeper? Okay. That's such a huge, important job and not a thank you when it's like Christmas time or, but out of the blue. Thank you. Appreciate you. Okay.
The next one, number seven, right a review. This is such a huge way that you can show appreciation, gratitude towards somebody that you like. So of course, I'm going to say podcasts because this is a labor of love, but if they wrote a book or if they have a business write a Google review, or even referring them. So referring them publicly, shouting them out on social media or, sharing it with somebody as you're out and about in the community. Those are great ways to let them know that they are appreciated and their work is valued. So you don't have to literally buy from them, but maybe, you know their character, you know, how they run their business . You can do that and write a review for them.
The next one kind of plays into what I was just going to talk about and that is connection. I love being that connector for people like, oh my gosh, you should meet so-and-so. Even if it doesn't create business for each other, they now have another layer or ripple in their network, which is only going to help them.
The next one write down important dates. What do I mean by this? If somebody in your circle or you hear of somebody in your network, friend, client, whatever, and they have something really great happen to them, or maybe it's something devastating that happened to them. And for me, it usually works with the ladder. I'll share with you something personal in our tribe, one of my team members was diagnosed with breast cancer and I documented the day she told me and found out actually it was the day she found out and I just put it in my calendar. And then I set a reminder for every year because I knew she would fight. I was optimistic that she's going to get through this. And, those reminders come up and I was able then a year later just to send her a little note, telling her, you have come through so much this year and a year ago today, you didn't know what was in store, but look at what you've done and gone through. And you've done some really scary, hard things. And now you have the proof that you can do it. And she was so appreciative of that note and that gesture. It was very heartfelt and it was very emotional for both of us, but it was just something where she was valued. It meant so much to her that I took the time and that I remembered. So write down those important dates and, you know, maybe it's their wedding or their birth of a kiddo or job promotion or something like that. When you can do that, you really stand out and become a wow factor in like, wow, thank you for a remembered and then be taking the time to say something that means so, so much.
The next one is comment and reply. This seems , so silly, but when we can comment or reply to anything on social or email, that resonate with you, that means so much to that person. And not just a thumbs up and not just like me too, but like something specific. So that's where it all comes back to being very specific, very intentional with your words and not just checking the box, because like I said, business is relationships. So when we can be genuine, authentic, real, it only helps everything in our business. Okay. So comment or reply?
The next one? I'm on number three, this one is a little bit, harder to do because it takes time, it's actually. Help somebody, if they're renovating their office or if they're moving their office or if they need help with something, it's going to take some time. But I have done this where I said, you know what? I have 90 minutes, what can I help you with? And they are floored that I show up or that I'm able to do that. Now I will tell you it it doesn't happen weekly, but I helped a friend she was building out her chiropractic office and I happened to be available. I showed up, I say, I have 90 minutes. What can I do? Her jaw literally dropped. She goes, oh my gosh, thank you so much. Now that 90 minutes has served me so well, because she is the first to offer support or encouragement, or how can I help you, Melissa? And I would do the same thing, right? If somebody showed up and helped me with something, like when I was building out my studio and people showed up and helped and donated things, that was huge, huge for me, so appreciative. And it goes both ways. Ways to show up and say, thank you and appreciation.
Next one, number nine, send a little gift I'm not a gift person, but goodness, when somebody mails me something or sends me a little something, it means the world. So could you do that for a client? Could you do a gift for, a business friend? Out of the blue gift that would wow their day and send them appreciation and gratitude.
And then the final one. It's not hard, but it kind of comes back to making the time to do it. Are you giving yourself time in your day, time in your week to be present? I have a dear friend who their intention is to be present when with people and not worry about all the million things that are, have to go on and that you have to get to, but to be present in the moment and that is hard for me, because what we're thinking about, all those things, like there's this meme where you're trying to go to sleep and you have 19 tabs open, and there's so many things going on in your head and it's so true. Right. But what can we really be present? And just give them the time. And I do this with my staff. I tell myself, Melissa, just ask them how they're doing. How are they juggling life? What's going on with the family what's going on with school, if they're in school and just look at them and don't worry about the 20 things that you wanted to get done while you were here for an hour and be present with them, it means a lot, your body language how you pause in the conversation and take time to talk with them means so much to people because a lot of people just want quality time. They just want to be seen and heard. And that goes so far.
So 10 wow ways to show thanks, appreciation and gratitude to your people. I hope this was helpful because it doesn't take much, right. It doesn't take much, but we have to be intentional with it. So have a beautiful week. Enjoy your time. I hope you're able to pause and be thankful for all that you have.
I would love to hear from you what you're going to take away and maybe implement going forward in your business. All right, guys, we'll see you here. Same time, same place next week. Peace. Bye-bye.
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