Ep. 226: Need More 5 Star Google Reviews? Craft Exceptional Client Experiences Consistently with Samantha Irwin and Watch Your Google Reviews Soar



On this podcast, we discuss how to create excellent SEO by optimizing your Google Business Profile and writing blogs that both Google and your perfect clients love.

But let’s dive into the nitty-gritty: Did you know that 91% of unhappy customers won't do business with you again? However, if you resolve their complaint in their favor, 70% will return!

Our guest today is Samantha Irwin of Kaizen Consulting. She's an expert in helping business owners build teams that excel in the client j…

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216: 12 Weeks to Clarity in Business Processes for Your Brick and Mortar Business

Podcast Episodes (MB)

Ep. 216: 12 Weeks to Clarity in Business Processes for Your Brick and Mortar Business

Ever think your ladder is up against the wrong wall? Let's fix that.

As we're cruising through Q2, it's time to assess and optimize your brick and mortar business. Unlike the seasonal ebbs and flows of a studio business, quarters offer a clear window to fine-tune our operations. Today, I'm diving into my strategy for crafting a focused 12-week sprint. No more adding to the to-do list without purpose.

This episode …

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215: Are You Reaching Your Customers Where They Are ....Really?

Podcast Episodes (MB) (26)

Ep. 215: Are You Reaching Your Customers Where They Are ....Really?

As fellow brick-and-mortar business owners, we're all too familiar with the many buckets that chip away at our revenue. So, when it comes to splashing our cash on marketing, we gotta be savvy and make sure we're getting bang for our buck. Let's dive in and uncover how to make those marketing dollars count!

 Today, I've got a juicy story to share about a real-time marketing opportunity that was pitched on for my business.  Lot's of…

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210: How to Connect and Grow Your Business Through Community

Podcast Episodes (MB) (21)


In this episode, I'll be sharing specific strategies that I've personally seen work wonders for my clients in growing their connection to their community.

We'll also be discussing the essential questions you need to ask before hiring a social media manager. This way, you can ensure that you're getting the most positive results for your most valuable resources: your time and money.

Live workshop in Hudson WI on March 7th from 2-4pm.  Grab your tickets!

Did you love today’s podcast? 🙌

  1. Take a …

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209: Nobody's Talking about You - They're Googling You

Podcast Episodes (MB) (20)


There are four stages that I've discovered when people come into your doors as a brick and mortar business owner:
#1.  They have a problem, need, or desire and google it.
#2. Said business comes up and they click on it.
#3. They then go to your socials to make sure you're legit and they like what they see.
#4. They walk into your business.

NOW.  If they love your service or product they MIGHT talk about it.  If they have a cummy experience, everyone knows about it. 😉

All kidding aside, but t…

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208: Empowering Entrepreneurs: Mastering Business Beyond the Call with Oie Dobier

Podcast Episodes (MB) (19)

Today's podcast features Oie Dobier, a dedicated business coach specializing in empowering solopreneurs and small business owners to realize their dream ventures by mastering the art of working "ON" their business rather than being consumed by working "IN" it.

✅If you embody the spirit of a Quality Crusader delivering top-notch services with fervor.

✅Are Driven by the Desire for Positive Impact, transcending mere transactions to create meaningful change.

✅A Hard Worker, you ackno…

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207: Three Mistakes I See Your Email Signature

Podcast Episodes (MB) (17)

In today's episode, we're drilling down into a topic that's often overlooked but holds immense influence – your email address and signature. Quick but impactful, this episode was fueled by real-time conversations that underscored its significance not once but twice last week.

Join me as we unravel the potent impact your email address can have on brand trust and loyalty. It's more than just a digital ID – it's a key player in shaping how your audience perceives your brand.

Referred t…

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206: How to Motivate Your Team to Create Brand Loyalty with Jamie Van Cuyk

Podcast Episodes (MB) (15)

Today we're diving deep into the heartbeat of success: our teams. It's not just about having a team; it's about having an exceptional team that propels our brand to greater heights. Exceptional team members don't just help us scale our business; they become ambassadors, extending our visibility through their firsthand experiences. It's time to cultivate a workplace that exudes fabulosity. And to achieve that, we must master the art of strategic hiring. Buckle up, because we're a…

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205: A Refresh on Google Reviews: How they will get you seen further!


Today we're going back to the Google Review. 

However, we're going to give it an update.  Many of you are wanting people to know about your business well outside your zip code.  Well, you have all the power.  Today I'm going to share with you a few tips, tools and strategies you can do right now to help get your brick and mortar business brand in front of even more people.  And yes, it's all FREE.

{SEO Series} The Gold in Google Reviews. 
{What's Working Now} A F…

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204: Franchise Visibility Unleashed: 6 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Business Organically part TWO



Greetings, fellow brick-and-mortar business owners, especially those managing a franchise! I acknowledge the hustle and dedication you invest in delivering top-notch services under a nationally recognized brand. While you possess valuable assets, it's essential to address the limitations you may encounter.

In this episode, we'll explore the final 4 (yes, I put in a bonus because I couldn't stop talking!) strategic methods to enhance your visibility organically. Whether you'r…

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