213: All "About You" Google and SEO

Podcast Episodes (MB) (23)

Episode #213: All "About You" Google and SEO

Welcome to today's episode where we're diving deep into YOU! Get ready to elevate your SEO game and skyrocket to the top of Google's radar! How does that sound?

Chances are, you've got an "About Page" for your business. Whether you're a solopreneur or leading a dynamic team in a brick-and-mortar establishment, your "ABOUT PAGE" is prime real estate—it's one of the top three spots people check out when they're getting to know you.

But let's amplify that v…

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212: Mastering Website Footer Optimization: Your Key to SEO Success

Episode #212: Mastering Website Footer Optimization: Your Key to SEO Success

In today's episode, we're zeroing in on your website's footer. Yes, this often overlooked space is where brick and mortar business owners are falling short in their Google and SEO strategy. It's time to ensure that we're the first stop for all relevant searches. Your website footer is a prime location to strategically place keywords, streamline user navigation, facilitate service bookings, job applications, showcase cred…

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209: Nobody's Talking about You - They're Googling You

Podcast Episodes (MB) (20)


There are four stages that I've discovered when people come into your doors as a brick and mortar business owner:
#1.  They have a problem, need, or desire and google it.
#2. Said business comes up and they click on it.
#3. They then go to your socials to make sure you're legit and they like what they see.
#4. They walk into your business.

NOW.  If they love your service or product they MIGHT talk about it.  If they have a cummy experience, everyone knows about it. 😉

All kidding aside, but t…

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206: How to Motivate Your Team to Create Brand Loyalty with Jamie Van Cuyk

Podcast Episodes (MB) (15)

Today we're diving deep into the heartbeat of success: our teams. It's not just about having a team; it's about having an exceptional team that propels our brand to greater heights. Exceptional team members don't just help us scale our business; they become ambassadors, extending our visibility through their firsthand experiences. It's time to cultivate a workplace that exudes fabulosity. And to achieve that, we must master the art of strategic hiring. Buckle up, because we're a…

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205: A Refresh on Google Reviews: How they will get you seen further!


Today we're going back to the Google Review. 

However, we're going to give it an update.  Many of you are wanting people to know about your business well outside your zip code.  Well, you have all the power.  Today I'm going to share with you a few tips, tools and strategies you can do right now to help get your brick and mortar business brand in front of even more people.  And yes, it's all FREE.

{SEO Series} The Gold in Google Reviews. 
{What's Working Now} A F…

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204: Franchise Visibility Unleashed: 6 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Business Organically part TWO



Greetings, fellow brick-and-mortar business owners, especially those managing a franchise! I acknowledge the hustle and dedication you invest in delivering top-notch services under a nationally recognized brand. While you possess valuable assets, it's essential to address the limitations you may encounter.

In this episode, we'll explore the final 4 (yes, I put in a bonus because I couldn't stop talking!) strategic methods to enhance your visibility organically. Whether you'r…

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203: Franchise Visibility Unleashed: 6 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Business Organically


Greetings, fellow brick-and-mortar business owners, especially those managing a franchise! I acknowledge the hustle and dedication you invest in delivering top-notch services under a nationally recognized brand. While you possess valuable assets, it's essential to address the limitations you may encounter.

In this episode, we'll explore three out of six strategic methods to enhance your visibility organically. Whether you're a franchise owner or building your own brand, these insig…

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#177: How Long Before I see Results in Ranking for SEO?


This is the most asked question I get from my clients.  How long will this take to be "The Only Option in Town!" for my local brick and mortar business? 

So today I dive into three questions that will determine your answer.  And let me be real - there is no black and white answer.  But your actions will determine your results in your SEO and your business being found, liked and trusted faster.  

Did you love today’s podcast? 🙌
  1. Take a screenshot and share it to your I…

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#176: Create Stellar Local SEO -It's Easier Than You Think!


This episode was inspired by one of my clients. When clients hire me, they usually are sick of doing all the things and just want someone to take their social media, their blogging, their newsletter and any other digital marketing efforts and just please make it happen. 

I’m happy to obliged. 😉

But when I explained that they were already doing the harder work - of actually doing the networking, the events, the collaborations and the fundraisers - I was just going to writ…

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#175: Are You Referred? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Learn what to do to be the only option in town!



The top two ways brick and mortar businesses are found and referred is 
1. Google and 
2.  Word of mouth.  

I’m super excited to share with you an exceptional woman who IS the only option in town.  Jill McNamee has made a name for herself by leaning into her network and diving deep into relationships - so that she is referred and known on a first name basis in her community.  

This episode is a masterclass in learning how to leverage your network for ultimate success.  Sa…

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