#46: Back on the Farm🐄

Podcast - FB IG (MB) (8)

Growing up on a farm was a privilege, although I didn’t think so at the time.

But now, so few people get the opportunity, and I can’t help but think they are missing out. Missing out on the nitty gritty of what it takes to really create the food we eat, the family bonding that goes along with that, and of course all the smells. Nothing like fresh cut alfalfa.

This episode we dive into foundations of starting a business strong so you can grow up big and strong. We’re going to hear all about…

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#45: Nothing Like a Great Backside!!


Hey , 

Can we all agree? 🙋🏻‍♀️

There is nothing like a great backside. 

A lean, tight, money making backside!





I'm talking about your back office y'all.  


You can have a stellar location, beautiful office, perfect marketing materials and even provide a great product or service.  But if you don’t have a back office that keeps you informed, organized and on track it doesn’t matter.  

Because ultimately your business will be out o…

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#44:✨Visually Speaking✨ - with Jessica Morrison

Podcast - FB IG (MB) (7)

Hey , 

It's podcast day!

Consistency is huge for me. In all aspects of your life.

My guest today, Jessica Morrison, specializes in helping female service based businesses create a consistent brand that carries through all platforms. And we both kinda geek out on it. We also chat about how she stays organized with being a mama of 3 young boys, navigating life as a business owner and partner.

Always some takeaways for us to learn from. Enjoy!

OH!  And she has a freebie quiz for you!  Find…

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#43:What do You Stand For❓

Hey , 

This episode may raise some feathers. You’ve been fairly warned.


You're the leader of your business. Are you being the leader that attracts your dream client?

As a business owner, we're stepping out in bold, brave, big faith. We see a need or desire in the market and we take the action needed to serve our clients well. It’s the biggest display of democracy. 

Over time, we get to learn what are clients want more of and how to serve them even better. What we don’t often …

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#42 ⌁Breaking the Code⌁ with Dr. Sharon Jones

Podcast - FB IG (MB) (6)

Hey , 

It's podcast day!

So what does “To Kill a Mockingbird” have to do with today? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Can we really move our education system into a more technology versed world that is both user friendly and fun?

With so many schools and educators scrambling to make their online learning run as smooth as possible through technology (thank you COVID) Dr. Sharon Jones specializes into it. Working with educators and parents to apply life learning into computer science application is her sweet spot.

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#41 ✨We're put on Earth to Share our Gifts!✨

Podcast - FB IG (MB) (3)

It's podcast day!

And this one's a biggie.  

Today another box has been checked in the journey. ✅

A live coaching call with one of my clients.  (insert happy dance💃🏻)

In this episode I pull back the virtual curtain of what it's like to work with me and see what my clients are taking away from our time together. 

Carrie Hobrough is a payroll specialist. At the time of the recording, we had been working less than 60 days together!  (You've heard the phrase, if you give yourself a year, it…

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What's 173.3? 

It's roughly how many work hours are in a month. 

So let's round it up to 180, cuz chances are, you're doing a few more than 40 hours a week.  Am I right ?

And then you're juggling kids, life, partners and everything else nitty gritty.

I shouldn't be surprised when I polled my Facebook group of entrepreneurs what their biggest struggle was when it came to marketing.


But here's the deal.  

Many business owners get caught up in the 






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🛑Stop Learning🛑

Podcast - FB IG (MB) (1)


Aren't we supposed to be avid learners?  Growing and broadening our knowledge to best help our businesses and clients? 


And no. 

My amazing guest this weeks says it so well, !  (Download and listen at 13min.)

Originally I asked Kelly to be on the show because of her time management expertise.  As a business coach, I encourage all my clients to adhere to a schedule that allows for them to achieve their goals. But when blocking out their time doesn’t work… I knew I needed to cal…

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3 Tips to Conquer Your Confidence


Nothing like a crappy date to kick your confidence to the curb.



But, I’m thankful for the content it gave me for this podcast. (Always choosing optimism.)

You guys, we all struggle with it. Some of us more than others. 

Whether your a mom, a business owner, a partner, or a parent. 

You play the loop in your head: Am I worthy enough, good enough, smart enough, young enough, thin enough etc. The list goes on.

But I’m here to tell you that you are!

And when you h…

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