#145: 9 Tips to Make Your Next Community Event More Money

Podcast Episodes (MB) (30)


Stop leaving money on the table. Stop leaving opportunity on the table and stop leaving your brand on the table.

I’m talking all about events - where YOU’RE the guest. Purchasing a table or booth or volunteering your time, energy and resources to get your brand in front of the community.

Today I’m going to share 9 tips to maximize your efforts so that you’re cashing in on your efforts.


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#144: Slay Your Back Friday Weekend- Free Gift Included

Podcast Episodes (MB) (29)


As studio owners we have an awesome responsibility and opportunity every day, but especially now. As the Holidays approach we can provide top notch service and deliverables the big box stores just can’t.

In this episode I’ll share why I think 2022 has the potential to be the best Black Friday Event ever. I’ll share with you my exact framework for creating an epic Black Friday event that will put a little more jingle in your pocket and finish 2022 strong.

Grab my free download…

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#143: Before You Hire a Business Coach Remember These Two Points



Hiring a business coach for studio owners is a wise decision. Growing and scaling your business is an awesome thing.  And believe it or not, there are a lot of people/organizations that can help you a long your journey.  

So with 2022 in the final months, this is a great time of year to start researching and considering a business coach so you can launch your 2023 in the right direction. Today I breakdown what you two things you must consider based on my experience of working …

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142: {Healthy in the Valley Series} The Story of Fit PT with Dr. Kaitlin Haider



I love connecting with other Brick and Mortar business women.

I’m so excited to re-introduce you to Dr. Kaitlin Haider of Fit PT in  Hudson, WI.

In this episode we get into the story of Your Fit PT. How it came to be, the journey of finding her purpose and passion along with creating a community of clients that are her favorite people. Dr. Kaitlin also shares what visibility strategy has been best for her in her boutique fitness studio. 

Dr. Kaitlin and her fabulo…

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#141: Want to be a Success Studio Owner? 5 Must Do's



We've all seen those people who seem to be crushing it in all the ways. 🙋🏻‍♀️
And then we then ask our self, what's their secret? What are they drinking, eating or who're they hanging around with?

Hey Rebel Women, I'm going to shed some light on their secrets.  And here's the dirty little secret - they aren't secrets! You can take them and apply them too.


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#140: A Recession Does Not Mean Not Showing Up



It’s funny, (but so not funny) how we can self sabotage our studio business goals with our thoughts. Whether it’s what we believe about ourselves, our situation or our surroundings.

In this episode I peel back the curtain on how I turned a launch around in a matter of days simply by changing a few major things that were unknowingly holding me back. I went from nearly giving up on a project to surpassing my goals. So Rebel Women, I had to share the behind the scenes of what wen…

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#139: The Missed Opportunity Podcasts Provide Brick and Mortar Studio Businesses with Angie Trueblood

Podcast Episodes (MB) (27)

Do you love podcasts? 

Obviously.  Duh. I know. 

But have you considered using podcasts as a visibility tool for you?  And YES, as a local brick and mortar business, podcasts can be a great tool in your toolbelt of visibility. 

I have talked about this on the podcast before, and given how to’s on how to get on a podcast.  But today I have an expert in podcast guesting.  And I am so excited for you to meet her.  Angie Trueblood has her own unique spin on guesting for lo…

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#138: When Closing My Business Was Not an Option

Podcast Episodes (MB) (26)


You’ve often heard that the best ideas or spikes of growth in our business come out of necessity. In this podcast I share just that.

In the midst of my worst summer in business ever, I had to take a really hard look at what could I “get rid of” in the short term, so that I could literally keep my doors open.

The solution was right under my nose, and has opened my mind to what it could look like going forward in my studio business.

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#137: My Top 3 Tools for Any Studio Business


Running a successful studio business comes down to a few tools and systems done really well, consistently.

Here I share my favorite that I use daily, and can help any studio owner run their business like a well oiled machine.

This is a must listen!

Did you love today’s podcast? 🙌

  1. Take a screenshot and share it to your IG stories. Tag me @themsmelissarose!  OR let me know what you think.  DM me!
  2. Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcast!

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#136: Studio Owners - You're Losing Too Much by NOT using Facebook Ads with Michelle Fernandez


Do Facebook Ads have you pulling your hair out?
Not gonna lie. Me too.
But I call on my expert for help and I want to share her with you all.

Introducing Michelle Fernandez, facebook ads expert and Rebel Woman extraordinaire. Listen is as we get real about Facebook ads, and why every studio owner should be using them as part of their visibility strategy.

Here are just a few of the topics we cover:
1. Why facebook ads are better then Google ads
2. Why Michelle’s 2-prong app…

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