Brick & Mortar Visibility

Be a Transformer💥

As a farm girl growing up in WI (I know how cliche that sounds) watching T.V. was kind of a big deal.  We didn't watch a lot of it growing up, so when we did it was pretty memorable.  Among my favorite shows were "Dukes of Hazzard" (I mean c'mon) Inspector Gadget (he was always super resourceful), and apparently as a really little girl I watched "Bowling with the Champs."  Probably explains my fierce competitive nature? 🤦🏻‍♀️

But when my brother watched "The Transformers" I was a bit mesmerized…

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Creating Your Picture Perfect📸

Karen - podcast

I'm going to tell you a secret.

I'm the biggest procrastinator. It can be anything. Work, fun or even self care. (My daughter just told me I stink🤦🏻‍♀️)

When people learn this dirty little secret, they're surprised because it appears I get so much done. 

Ha! 😂

But what I've learned is that if I just accept that I'm a professional and enjoy the procrastination, then I'm super productive when it's crunch time.  Like now... This blog needs to get out within the hour. 

And that's why I love m…

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Your Definition is not Mine.


Hey there

So last week I had a date. 🙌🏻








A virtual coffee date y'all. (They're a thing now.)

And I had that completely I'm-so-nervous-I'm-sweating-and-freezing-at-the-same-time-energy.

So sexy.

Not. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Why am I telling you this?  

(besides the fact that I'm trying to meet a life partner.)

I'm sharing this bit of info with you because I'm doing all I can to make my 2020 a successful year for me.

In the olden days, (like 3 years ago) my success meter revolved all ar…

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Adding Another Spoke☸️


Do you ever have those moments in life when you finally decide to make the call, or click the facebook ad, or connect with that person?

You've had opportunity before, but for some reason, this time you finally take action.

And then... fireworks go off!


And you're like... "WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG!?"

Welcome back to another episode of In The Nitty Gritty!  (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN)

Whoop whoop!🙌🏻

That's just what my guest did.  After throwing away the same flyer over and over, she fi…

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Who's Holding YOU Accountable?


Welcome back to another episode of In The Nitty Gritty!  (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN)

Whoop whoop!🙌🏻

You guys, we're in 7 countries now!  That's crazy! And so flippin' exciting! Thank you for listening and sharing the podcast. "You're the wind beneath my wings!" Clink 🥂









As the podcast is growing, people are starting to ask me why I am choosing to do a podcast, or better said, "Why do you sit in your closet and talk to yourself and your computer?"  

I answer them with my sli…

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Breaking Up with Succe$$

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Welcome back to another episode of In The Nitty Gritty!  (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN)

Whoop whoop!🙌🏻

(This weeks episode is brought to you by my Visibility Workshop that is happening in June. CLICK HERE to learn more!)

There is nothing more brave in my opinion then walking away from one successful business to start one that is completely different. Not a pivot… but a completely different product, or service.

And that is just what my guest did.

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Tena Pettis shares her n…

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The Weight of Your Decision🤷🏻‍♀️


Welcome back to another episode of In The Nitty Gritty!  (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN)

Whoop whoop!🙌🏻

As a singe mama of 5 kiddos, a business owner of both a brick and mortar and online business, making decisions comes with the territory.  Whether its deciding whether we should hire a new team member, or to launch a new program or what to make for dinner. 

Decisions, or the D word, are part of the day. 

Some decisions are super "easy."  i.e. frozen pizza for dinner.  (Kids love this one!)


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In the Nitty Gritty with Mom, Entrepreneur, Mentor & Coach - Ursula Mentjes

Copy of Copy of ITNG 7 - graphics

Welcome back to another episode of In The Nitty Gritty!  (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN)

This morning I went for my normal 6am walk, like I do every Wednesday morning (because I am the consistency queen, 👑) and I listened to the latest episode of ITNG. 

I don't listen to hear how amazing it is...but let's be real, I couldn't be more happy with this project.  But honestly, I listen each week to get a fresh perspective.

I record these episodes 2, 3 and sometimes 4 weeks out.  After a bit of time I alw…

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✨Need Some Calm During this Storm?✨



I'm not sure about you, but I'm feeling a bit of overwhelm right now. 

Not only am I still working my business "per usual" (we've made our regular scheduled programming all virtual) but i'm also creating more content for my Dance on Demand membership, and making even more of an effort to take care of my current clients. 

Much like you I'm sure. 💗 

But then you add kids at home, siblings bickering, partners working from home, and the laundry list of things to do which literally include "the…

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Some Much Needed Truth🙌🏻

Welcome back to another episode of In The Nitty Gritty! 

You know when you hear someone speak truth. Real, raw, legit nuggets of wisdom that have you nodding your head and shouting "Yes!" 







In my opinion, there is nothing more special then using your God given talents to shine your light bright!

As entrepreneurs we’re lucky, because we get to do this every day. Our businesses only thrive when we step into what we were designed to do. In this episode, Suzie shares how her lov…

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