Brick & Mortar Visibility

What's Your Number?

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What's your number? 

No, I don't mean phone number.  Does anyone even ask that anymore? 

I mean your Enneagram Number. 

I'm a 3. 

My bestie is a 2. 

My assistant is a 7. 

If you haven't heard of the Enneagram, listen up. (I mean keep reading.)   If you already know your number, put it in the comments!  I'd love to know who my readers are. 

As a mama, business owner and a person who is trying to grow and improve daily, this little nugget of self assessment has single handily helped me unde…

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The Alligator Tears Started...

Get Ready for the Ride!


I lost it.  

It's the ballet portion of my littles combo class, and I put on my "Possible Recital Songs" playlist which clearly are all my favorite songs.  Then "She used to be mine" by Sara Bareilles starts playing. 'Nough said.  If you know the song, seriously... heart wrenching. 

But as we were doing our plies and tendu's during our normal little ballet time, all of a sudden this mama/dance teacher got all emotional... and not the dramatic happy, jumping up and down and being silly d…

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Keep Your Tribe Loyal

Keep Your Tribe Loyal

We're full on into the season, school year, the routine of Fall.  We're all starting to let our hair down a bit.  But hold steady to those reigns my friends...or you don't know where that horse will go!'s Halloween week y'all.

I've experienced it in my studio.  A little more chatter, a little more looking out the window, a little more telling you about their latest lost tooth....again.  Pulling them back into focus isn't the hard part. We have little tricks to do that.  


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More of These = More Success

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So your driving around running the errands on your list, listening to your latest audio book, and you literally suck in a breath of air and say "Ouch."

Don't worry, nothing happened to the car or any animals. 

Does that ever happen to you?

Do you ever hear or learn something about you or your business and it kind of takes the wind right out of you? 

The reason for that visceral reaction is because you know exactly what you need to apply it to your life.  It may be a good thing or a really ha…

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3 Tips for Quick Visibility

We all need it. 

No matter what stage of our business ~ new, established or scaling ~whether we are staring out with our first client or we are launching a new product or service, we all want more eyes, more awareness, or more name recognition.   

We All Need More Visibility 

But before we launch into the tips, we need to make sure we're all on the same page. We have to back up and make sure you know exactly who your ICA is:  Your Ideal Customer Avatar.  Your Dream Client.  Your Tribe.  Your …

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Have you Hit a Wall?

Get It!

I recently heard someone say, "I am so glad I am not getting married these days... there are too many options!" 

They were referring to all the social media, with Pinterest getting top billing. And y'all, I couldn't agree more. Wow... My head started to spin just thinking about all the possibilities of influence one has in making their special day...well, special.


Some of you might be in that season of life, and if you are... I can only imagine the complete overwhelm and images of pe…

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My Favorite 4 Letter Words

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(Why the face! I love me some Phil Dunphy from Modern Family

We're gonna talk about my favorite 4 letter words. 

They are the Best! 

They are music to my ears. 

They make me flippin' giddy. 

You're gonna love 'em.

Are you ready? 






Perhaps it's because acts of service is my #1 love language.  (Gary Chapman for the win) Or maybe because I'm a mama with five kiddos and a couple of businesses who's trying to stay one step ahead of the drama... which let's be re…

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My 3 Tips to Crush Your Consistency

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It's the third week of September and by now that the dust has settled a bit. 

So, are you feeling like, "Ok, now I can focus!" 

I'm not sure about you, but the first couple weeks of September are always intense.  Lots of new schedules that are filled with just as many emotions.  Then you add in the fall season perks like Friday night football games, cooler evenings and fall allergies - which is not a perk, but I had to mention it because they are full on in my home. 

As a mama, the routine of s…

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Why Set Backs Set You Up

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This week I had a personal set back.  I'm not quite ready to talk about it yet... so I dug through the archives and found this blog post that still resonates deeply. 


Have you busted your butt, and gone outside your comfort zone to do something you truly believed in, only to be let down by people in your circle who you thought had your back? 

I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir. 

Most of you are in the dance field.... and let's be real, shall we? You don't just jump into the dance …

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Worry Overwhelm

Worry Overwhelm... When it's ok to embrace what it is.

I'm not sure if this is a tip or more of a confession...

But have you ever been driving along, blaring the music, having a great hair day, wearing actual clothes that aren't mistaken for gym clothes or pj.'s, the weather is perfect, the windows are down and you're just singing away?

You're feeling fabulous!

You're feeling awesome!

You're feeling like your check list is completely done, dinner is timed out perfectly in the crock pot, and you have an extra hour before you are needed anywhere!…

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