My 3 Tips to Crush Your Consistency

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It's the third week of September and by now that the dust has settled a bit. 

So, are you feeling like, "Ok, now I can focus!" 

I'm not sure about you, but the first couple weeks of September are always intense.  Lots of new schedules that are filled with just as many emotions.  Then you add in the fall season perks like Friday night football games, cooler evenings and fall allergies - which is not a perk, but I had to mention it because they are full on in my home. 

As a mama, the routine of s…

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Why Set Backs Set You Up

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This week I had a personal set back.  I'm not quite ready to talk about it yet... so I dug through the archives and found this blog post that still resonates deeply. 


Have you busted your butt, and gone outside your comfort zone to do something you truly believed in, only to be let down by people in your circle who you thought had your back? 

I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir. 

Most of you are in the dance field.... and let's be real, shall we? You don't just jump into the dance …

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Worry Overwhelm

Worry Overwhelm... When it's ok to embrace what it is.

I'm not sure if this is a tip or more of a confession...

But have you ever been driving along, blaring the music, having a great hair day, wearing actual clothes that aren't mistaken for gym clothes or pj.'s, the weather is perfect, the windows are down and you're just singing away?

You're feeling fabulous!

You're feeling awesome!

You're feeling like your check list is completely done, dinner is timed out perfectly in the crock pot, and you have an extra hour before you are needed anywhere!…

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So What's Your Excuse?

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So, I have a question. 

Are you Gritty?

And I don't mean do you feel gritty.  As in, yea, I could probably use a shower. 

What I mean is...

Do you have the Grit? 

Do you have the Teeth? 

Do you have the desire so badly that you can't let it go? No matter how many times you get kicked down, rejected, un-answered or cut off? 

I'd like to say we all have it. 

Actually, I believe we do... but to what level of grit are we willing to take on? 

Perhaps your grit is a bit more delicate... for tho…

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Consistency Compounds

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Do You Have a Mentor? or Coach? 

A few years ago when I was asked that question I could barely answer it.  


Oh sure, I had some dance teachers from the past and a family member or two. 

But not anyone currently. 

But a hand full of years, the student wasn't ready to learn either.  I was up to my eyeballs in young kiddos and playing "teaching dance." 

Then life happened, and I needed to make the decision to make this "teaching dance thing" a business. So five years ago, on Septemb…

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3 Little Words

And it's not,  "I love you..."

Although, I do. I so appreciate you taking the 2 min. it take to read this. Really.  You have no idea. 

Many studio owners are getting ready for the fall season, and you might be hiring and incorporating new staff onto your team.  Sometimes it's the little things that go the furthest.  

As we are setting ourselves up for a successful 2019-202 dance season here are some practical ways to add a little wow or sparkle to your business that doesn't cost anything. 


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I just needed a sign.

We're all exhausted.  It's the last day The Dance Teacher Life Conference. Over 800 people have been learning, growing, challenging, and expanding their knowledge as dance educators and business owners.    

As I walk into the room where Rhee Gold give us a little chat before heading off to our last few sessions of the weekend, I find a spot in the middle of the row with no one to my right or left so I can spread out a bit and take notes. 

Then Rhee comes walking onto stage and starts speaking …

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2 Tips to Grow Your Net Worth


"Your Net Worth is in Your Network."

Have you heard that before? 

I heard it about six months ago via a podcast.  (Maybe I learned of it earlier, but clearly the student wasn't ready to hear or learn.) 

What I do remember learning year ago was, "ask your network."  


Who's my network?  I don't have a network. I don't know anyone.  

Have you ever said or thought that?

With social media, we can gather "friends" quicker then an Instagram story.

Although some social media feeds can…

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Coffee or Tea? Morning Routines.

Good Morning. 

Well, it is when I write this.  

It's actually 5:29am. 

If you would of told me twenty years ago that I would be up creating a blog post at the 5 am hour, I would of looked at you like you were crazy.  Actually, even five years ago I would of questioned you. 

But it's funny how we change and grow. 

Years ago I didn't think I'd ever like coffee, or want kids or tolerate beer.  Now I can't live without my morning coffee, have five kids and am a beer snob. 

And yet here we are.…

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How to get the MOST out of FREE.

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Who doesn't love FREE? 


I always do a double take when I see free.  What's free?  How long is it free? How many free things can I get?

(Maybe that's a triple take?)  

I often hold free events at my studio.  It's a great way to bring people in the doors right?  


and No. 

I'm guilty of this, so no judgement if you've ever done this.  

Are you collecting contact their info.?

You know, so you can follow up with them?  

I would assume you are.  I mean, that's so basic knowledge righ…

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