Brick & Mortar Visibility

Not my ideal stats...


Let's play a little game.  Do you know the answer to this little trivia question? 

What Profession has the Highest Rate for Divorce? 



Middle school math teachers?

um, nope. 

The answer?

Dancers and choreographers!  Yup.  We get the title for the #1 divorced profession. That statistic according to this USA today article.

How's that for some happy-news-worthy-information. Great talk while we're stretching on the floor with our colleagues or students. 


I …

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Are You Living on Purpose?

This past Sunday I'm getting ready to start my day and doing the morning routine. 

Coffee, shower, breakfast, more coffee and looking forward to hearing my friend speak at an area church.  I am of course running late because, I am an optimist, and I think I can quick answer that email and do a encouraging post and still get there in time when my phone pings. 

"I just wanted to let you know that Marcia passed away yesterday morning."




How? Really?  

This can't be right..…

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"Don't you just LOVE paying Taxes?"

Said NO One Ever!  

Hey there Everyone!

Today is the last day of our 3 part series entitled, 

"Growing Smarter."   

If you missed that last two blog posts, here is the first one, "Hold Up! Don't Announce ANYTHING Yet!"  and the second, "The Million Dollar Idea in your Studio Right Now!"   

Today we're going to talk about this really "fun" topic called


Did your shoulders just hike up a bit? Your stomach clench?


It's tax season. And although this topic is not very popular …

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The Million $ Idea Sitting in YOUR Studio

Welcome back to another week of #WithGritandAdmiration

Today we are in the second part of a three part series of Growing Smarter. (Click here to check out last weeks post.)

As a teacher, studio owner, business owner and plain "old" human of this world, I am always striving to be better then I was the last time.  Whether it's last year, last week, or two minutes ago when I shoved that third brownie in my mouth.

Of course, it is my assumption you are like that too.  But you know what "they" sa…

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Hold up! Don't Announce Anything Yet...

Announce what? 

Well, I'm sure many of you are in the thick of planning for next season?  Have you decided what classes you'll offer? Which ones you'll take out?  Are you going to invest in a new program or expand on your current ones? Maybe you actually will be cutting back in certain classes because you're growing in other areas. 

There is a lot that goes into planning for a new season, so that is why I want to break this down a bit.  I have been listening and reading (which also means I'm l…

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Zig instead of Zag

Today we're Vlogging instead of Blogging.

Because, well...Life. 

Roll with the punches.   After you watch/listen, you might want me to stick to blogging :) But I promise, there's some good stuff in here.   Hope your day was better then mine!  Now off to shovel for the 45th time today. 


Check out Proessing Ballet Technique.  I highly recommend if you teach ballet in your studio.  A great workshop to learn, and you get certified as well!  Who doesn't love a certification added to thei…

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When Stubborn Meets Curiosity..

OK.  I gotta secret y'all. 

And I just need to get it out there. 

Some of you may hate me for it. 

But I'll take my chances. 

I'm not a Rachel Hollis fan.  


I know. 


And that was kinda hard to admit.

For some of you, you may need to pick your jaw up off your lap, and for others, you may be like, "So what!"  And still others, you might be like, 'Who?"

So let me just take a hot second to get us all on the same page. The beautiful Ms. Rachel Hollis is an author, used to be blo…

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Comparison? Or Kick in the Arse?

"There is always something to suggest that you'll never be who you wanted to be.  Your choice is to take it, or keep on moving."  - Phylicia Rashad

Ahhhh, yes.

Anyone else feeling this? 

Happy February y'all. 

It's the beginning of a new month! And for me, it's like a mini new slate.  And yes, I use that new slate for a new week, a new day, a new hour, and a new hot minute when it's needed.  

January is over and we are starting to thaw out - Figuratively and Literally.

Some of us actually …

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Do you Fall into this Statistic?

So, I'm thinking Hell Froze Over...

(Never mind that most of the country has experienced record temps today.)

I'm not usually a numbers gal.  I mean, I've counted in multiples of eight most of my life and I always enjoy a few extra zeros in my checking account.  But these numbers blew my socks off!

So I just had to share with y'all what I learned this week.  Perhaps you're ahead of the game on this, and if you are - gold star for you.  But I wanted  to talk about this important topic.  


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Burn Out or Pivot?

Ugh.  Why is this so hard?

It's what I have always wanted to do... and yet, here I am.  Nearly in tears.

The roller coaster of emotions with business-hood. 

We've been taught, if we are't growing we're dying.  And y'all, I subscribe to that 1000%.   

'Cept, here's the deal. 

When is enough of enough? 

When does one go, "Ok, you have enough projects, venues, aspects of your business.  Now let's just stop." 

But if you stop... then you can't grow, and here we are again.  Back on that hamst…

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